Chairman:  Gordon Kerr

16 The Old Common



Glos GL6 8JN

Tel; 01453 886962

Secretary: Sandy Westhead

9 Dorington Court



Treasurer: Caroline David

The Bungalow











Eastcombe F C  Child Protection Policy




q       It is Eastcombe football club’s policy to safeguard the welfare of all its members by protecting them from neglect, physical, sexual and emotional harm.

q       Eastcombe football club will review the Policy when necessary or once a season.

q       Eastcombe FC is a voluntarily constituted football team playing in the Stroud and District football league and Mid Gloucestershire Mini League.

q       This policy includes three separate elements, the conduct of adult members of the club and volunteers who work with groups of children on behalf of the club,  the recruitment of adult members and what to do if child abuse is suspected.


The club’s policy covers the following areas:


1.      Our aim.

2.      Procedures.

3.      Code of Conduct for officials:

4.      a)       Eastcombe FC’s Signing on Document

b)       Code of conduct for Players and Parents

5.      Eastcombe FC Code of Conduct:  

5a)     Eastcombe football club ensures a safe environment.

5b)     Disputes:

5c)      Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol:

5d)     Arrangements for changing:

5e)     Communication:

5f)      Recruitment of all adult members and volunteers:







1.   Our aim

q       To teach, coach and play football to the best of our ability for the enjoyment of players , coaches , helpers and parents in a safe and friendly environment.

q       To run a youth football club that values all of its members

q       To provide a positive coaching environment that develops  football ability and maximises the talent of all members

q       To develop a competitive spirit, sporting attitude and teamwork through entering teams in local football leagues

q       To maintain the highest possible standards in line with the club’s code of conduct for coaches and players.

q       To work in a caring manner so that all coaches, players and helpers are aware of issues relating to child protection and to adhere to the club’s policy in the event of there being complaints relating to child welfare.


2.   Procedures


The child Safe Organization defines abuse as including neglect, physical injury, sexual and emotional abuse.


1.        All volunteers should be aware of procedures to be followed when abuse is suspected, including cases where an accusation is made against a member of the club.

2.        The procedures are laid down in the Child Protection Procedures Manual of the Gloucestershire Area Child Protection Committee ACPC, a copy of which is held by the club.  The contact is Lead co-ordinator  of the Child Protection unit, Duncan Siret on Tel: 01452 425158

3.        Where abuse is suspected or allegations are made, at the earliest opportunity contact the club’s Child protection officer.

4.        Eastcombe Football club recognises that the Social Services Department, the NSPCC and the Police have a statutory duty to protect children and young persons at risk and will work in partnership with these agencies when child protection issues arise.

5.        The Child Protection officer will where deemed appropriate, when abuse is suspected or a sustainable allegation made, contact the Duty Social Worker at the Stroud Health Centre, Beeches Green Tel: 01453 760500 or the Police or Parents/Guardian where applicable.

6.        All written reports should be objective and based on evidence.


What happens if….?

If you suspect a child is being abused by someone outside of the club.

1.        At the earliest opportunity tell the Child Protection officer.

2.        Record the Facts as you know them and give a copy to the Child Protection officer.

3.        Ensure that any child has an oppurtunity to express any concerns or fears he or she may have.

4.        Ensure that no other football situation arises which could cause any further concern.

5.        The CPO should refer concerns to SSD or the Police.

6.        Do not promise to keep information a secret.

7.        Concerns should be kept confidential and only shared on a need to know basis




If a child discloses to you abuse by someone else:

1.        Allow the child to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.

2.        Alleviate feelings of guilt and isolation, while passing no judgement.

3.        Advise that you will try to offer support, but must pass the information on to Child Protection officer.

4.        Same steps as above 1-4.


If you receive an allegation about any adult club member or about yourself

1.        Immediately tell your Child Protection officer.

2.        Record the facts as you know them and give a copy to the CPO.

3.        The CPO must refer to SSD or the police.

4.        If there is any concern that the allegation may have substance the person about whom the allegation is made should be suspended from the club activities immediately.

5.        Try to ensure no-one is placed in a position which could cause further compromise.

6.        You must refer, you must not investigate.

7.        Inform the child’s parent at the earliest possible opportunity.


3.                  Code of conduct for officials.


See separate document for officials.


4.                  Code of conduct for Players and Parents


See separate document for Players and Parents.


5.                  Eastcombe FC Code of Conduct


5a)          Eastcombe football club ensures a safe environment by:


Providing a club coaches’ Code of Conduct.

Encouraging coaches to get qualified at an appropriate level.

The club encouraging coaches to stay up to date on safe coaching practice.

Keeping records of accidents that require further medical attention after being involved with football.

Coaches have parent contact details at training and matches in case of injury.

The club has a Procedures document for dealing with suspicions of abuse.

Upholding the ethos and spirit of the game.

The club has identified a Child Protection Officer.


5b)       Disputes:

Any disputes should be taken up by the team manager verbally, if not satisfactorily resolved, refer to the Committee who will give you a written reply if necessary.  If the matter relates to a non football matter, contact the Child Protection officer in complete confidence.







5c)       Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol:

As part of this policy, we encourage the children to understand the health risks involved in smoking both directly and passively.  The messages we give as adults are important and a professional stance is adopted.   Misuse of harmful substances will not be tolerated.  The club/children can be drug tested at any time


5d)       Arrangements for changing:

2 Parents minimum per age group should always be in charge of Stroud Town’s changing rooms.  Facilities should be made for boys and girls.


5e)       Communication:

Eastcombe FC will soon have its own website updated every second week in the football season. A news letter will be e-mailed to all players on a regular



5f)        Recruitment of all adult members and volunteers:

While the vast majority of people who work with children are well motivated there is a need to be careful in the selection procedure to screen out those who are not suitable.

In recruiting volunteers the following procedure should be carried out.


1.        New volunteers must comply with a) or b):-

a)       Must be parents or guardians of members of the club and must be nominated by 2 committee members.

b)        Have two referees for adult members and volunteers, one of which is contacted by the club management, a signed declaration of previous convictions and offences against children.  All to hold a copy of the Child protection  policy and to sign to say they agree with it.

2.        Confirm their identity

3.        Ask how they think they can contribute to the development of the Club

4.        Supply in writing any relevant skills or qualifications that maybe of benefit to their specific role within the Club

5.        Successful applicants will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee

6.        Applicants should be made aware of the Club's ethos, Child Protection Policy and Conduct Code and running procedures at the Club

7.        Everyone at the Club should have in their possession a current copy of the Child Protection Policy

8.        The Club shall encourage committee persons and coaches to better their qualifications in relation to their roles within the Stroud Town football club


Eastcombe FC Child Protection Policy

                                    Issue:  A 2000

                                    Date:                   1st September 2000


Checked by:       Chairman                                Gordon Kerr

Secretary                  Sandy Westhead




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