Player’s and Parent’s code of conduct.


Player’s Code of Conduct


Players are the most important people in the sport. Playing for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game, but not winning at all cost – fair play and respect for all others in the game is fundamentally important.

Do make every effort to develop your sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.

Do give maximum effort and strive for the best possible.

Do be properly dressed, boots, shin pads, socks pulled up and shirts tucked in.

Do know the rules of the game and compete in the spirit of the game.

Do respect all other participants.

Do abide the instructions of your coach and abide with the decisions of the Referee.

Do be on time.

Do not use foul or abusive language

Do not bully.

Do not play or train if injured

Do not waste time.

Do be loyal, proud and have fun at Eastcombe Football Club.


Parent’s Code of conduct.


Be familiar with Eastcombe’s Coaches’ Code of Conduct.

Where appropriate, take your turn to supervise changing rooms and assist coaches, particularly when large numbers are involved.

Make sure the club has your contact number.

Be involved in club activities.

Share your expertise with the club.

Share your concerns with the club.

Criticism of referees should not take place.

Do not get involved in disputes in front of the children



Any disputes should be taken up by the team manager verbally, if not satisfactorily resolved, refer to the Committee who will give you a written reply if necessary.  If the matter relates to a non football matter, contact the Child protection officer in complete confidence.





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