Code of conduct
for officials
It is Eastcombe football club’s policy to safeguard the welfare of all its members by protecting them from neglect, physical, sexual and emotional harm.
Any behavior which can be construed as abusive will not be tolerated by the club, this includes any behaviour that might be undermining to the individual child such as personal remarks, racist comments, comments about sexuality, gender, ethnic or religious origin or disability. All adult members and volunteers must ensure they treat all children with respect and avoid opportunities where by their vulnerability can be exploited. All adult members and volunteers need to be mindful of child protection issues in their own conduct and in the conduct of others, this policy demands that any concerns and worries about an individuals conduct are shared with the club management.
1. Do treat everyone with respect.
2. Do provide an example you wish others to follow.
3. Do plan activities, which involve more than one person being present, or at least within sight or hearing of others.
4. Do carry a complete guardian contact list when in charge of young people.
5. Do respect a young person’s right to personal privacy.
Do provide access for young people to talk to others about any concerns they have.
Do encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behavior they do not like.
Do maintain a healthy adult lifestyle.
Do remember that someone else might misinterpret your actions, no matter how well intentioned.
Do recognize that caution is required even in sensitive moments of counseling, such as when dealing with bullying, bereavement or abuse.
Do have separate sleeping accommodation for adults and young people.
Do disassociate yourself from a “win at all costs” attitude.
1. Do recognize the importance of fun, enjoyment and fair play when coaching.
2. Do ensure a safe environment to play in.
3. Do ensure All young players have an equal opportunity to play football.
4. Do provide positive verbal feedback in a constructive and encouraging manner, both in coaching and games.
5. Do involve parents and guardians whenever possible.
6. Do ensure development comes first, winning second.
7. Do make sure other people know if you are transporting a child on your own.
8. Do make sure parents have given consent to transport their children.
1. Do not permit abusive youth peer activities (e.g. initiation ceremonies, ridiculing, bullying)
2. Do not have any inappropriate physical or verbal contact with others.
3. Do not let children use foul language unchallenged.
4. Do not jump to conclusions about others without checking facts.
5. Do not exaggerate or trivialize child-abuse issues.
6. Do not make suggestive remarks or gestures.
7. Do not rely on just your good name to protect you.
8. Do not believe “it could never happen to me”.
9. Do not demand unrealistic performances from young players.
10. Do not over emphasise the winning ethic.
11. Do not allow injured players to train or play matches.
12. Do not allow players to train without the proper safety equipment.
13. Do not allow players to compete in matches not properly dressed, boots, shin pads, socks pulled up and shirts tucked in.
14. Do not overtly criticize players – their confidence is paramount.
15. Do not expose young players to unnecessary cold or heat and unacceptable risk of injury.
16. Do not expose young players to smoking, passive smoking, alcohol and drugs.
What happens if….?
If you suspect a child is being abused:
1. At the earliest opportunity tell the Child protection officer.
2. Record the Facts as you know them and give a copy to the Child protection officer.
3. Ensure the child has an opportunity to share concerns he or she might have
4. Ensure that the child is fully protected from the alleged abuser
5. Pass on concerns to the SSD or the police
6. Ensure that no other football situation arises which could cause any further concern.
If a child discloses to you abuse by someone else:
1. Allow the child to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.
2. Alleviate feelings of guilt and isolation, while passing no judgment.
3. Advise that you will try to offer support, but must pass the information on to Child protection officer who may then pass the information to SSD or the police, do not promise to keep information to yourself.
4. Same steps as above 1-4.
If you receive an allegation about any adult member of the football club or about yourself:
1. Immediately tell your Child protection officer.
2. Record the facts as you know them and give a copy to the CPO.
3. Try to ensure no one is placed in a position that could cause further compromise.
4. You must refer, you must not investigate.
5. The CPO must refer allegations of abuse to SSD or the police.
6. Parents must be informed at the earliest possible opportunity.
Adults signature |
Adults name: |
Date: |
Eastcombe FC |
FC Child Protection Policy
Issue: A 2000
Date: 1st September 2000
by: Chairman Gordon Kerr
Secretary Sandy Westhead